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Open Source for better o11y

Yes, same headline as last week, but no, not the same resource :)

Dotan Horovits on Open Source for Better Observability, this time the video recording from the OSS Summit.

Metrics in Otel are stable

With Traces already GA in OpenTelemetry, Metrics are up next: the Metrics API spec to Stable pull request was merged and now all SDKs should be stable soon, as well.

ObservabilityCON 2021

Grafana Labs held its yearly conference and in ObservabilityCON 2021: Your guide to the newest announcements from Grafana Labs Ali Gerrard provides you with everything you need to know.

Scaling Cortex

Albert Choi, one of our interns on the Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus service team on Scaling Cortex with parallel compaction. Well done!

Monitoring a Rust app

Roman Kudryashov shows how to Monitor a Rust web application with Prometheus and Grafana.

Auto-instrumenting Lambda

My colleague Nathaniel Ruiz Nowell explains how to auto-instrument a Python application with an AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Lambda layer.

Otel with Lambda how-to

How To Use OpenTelemetry With AWS Lambda by Tom Zach of Aspecto is another Otel contrib on the topic. Nice!

Centralized logging

A very nice write-up on Centralized Logging with ELK, Kafka and Kubernetes by Cagatay Atabay.

Kubernetes cluster logging

Mike Calizo shares What you need to know about cluster logging in Kubernetes.

That was it for this edition of the o11y newsletter. Feel free to share news items with me via Twitter—DMs are open if you like to share something in private. Stay safe and hope to see you around next week!