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Histogram evolution

Opstrace's Jan-Philip Gehrcke on Histogram evolution: visualize how a distribution of values changes over time is a super interesting deep dive into the topic. Thanks JP!

SigNoz overview

Application observability with Apache Kafka and SigNoz by Nitish Tiwari is a high-level intro to SigNoz and explains how it works in a hands-on manner.

Grafana labs news

There were some licensing changes at Grafana labs and in this Q&A with Grafana Labs CEO Raj Dutt about our licensing changes Richi Hartmann explains what the implications are.

Service mesh observability

In Monitoring your service mesh container environment using Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus my colleagues Vikram Venkataraman, Sathiyan Baskaran, Naseer Sayyad, and Shivkumar Rajendran walk you through how to get started with AMP/AMG for App Mesh. Excellent work!

OpenSearch from

Dotan Horovits describes how you can now Try Out OpenSearch with Congratulations to this addition!

AWS observability workshop

Read AWS One Observability Demo Workshop: What’s new with Prometheus, Grafana, and OpenTelemetry by my colleagues Imaya Kumar Jagannathan, Rodrigue Koffi, and Rafael Pereyra and learn all about what you can do now and how the sausage is made.

Lighstep and Prometheus

Ted Young on How the OpenTelemetry Protocol Works with Lightstep and Prometheus is a short and sweet contrib. As usual, good stuff, Ted!

Tracing and logging

Ben Sigelman of Lightstep wrote Why Tracing Might Replace (Almost) All Logging and I am 100% with him, there.

Prometheus at scale

In How to Build a Scalable Prometheus Architecture Gedalyah Reback provides a deep-dive on Prometheus Long Term Storage (LTS) and federation option. Well written, thank you :)

That was it for this edition of the o11y newsletter. Feel free to share news items with me via Twitter—DMs are open if you like to share something in private. Stay safe and hope to see you around next week!