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EKS o11y

If you're looking for an AWS-supported solution for Amazon EKS infrastructure observability that is using managed Prometheus and managed Grafana, I highly recommend to check out what we launched last week. I'm super interested to learn about your feedback and where you think we should take this, next!

OTel recipes

OTel recipes is a really cool site collecting hands-on recipes for concrete tasks you'd want to do with OpenTelemetry. Thanks a lot for kicking this off and hope others will start contributing as well.

OTel & Prometheus

On the topic of OTel & Prometheus: if you missed our OpenTelemetry end-user panel, now the video recordings of this session is available for you to catch up on. And since you're reading this: I bet you also will want to spend some 3 minutes on the interoperability survey, pretty please?

OTel demo deep dive

Eromosele Akhigbe wrote A Deep Dive into OpenTelemetry: Running the OpenTelemetry Demo, showing set up in AWS and in-detail usage. Excellent work, thanks!

OTel Python hands-on

The OpenTelemetry & Python Manual Tracing Tutorial Series by Adam Gardner is a collection of hands-on deep dives into the topic, augmented with YouTube videos.

That was it for this edition of the o11y newsletter. Feel free to share news items with me via Twitter—DMs are open if you like to share something in private. Stay safe and hope to see you around next week!