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Learning Prometheus

In a Twitter thread Ivan Velichko shared a series of articles on learning Prometheus and PromQL.

Monitoring Kafka

Gabriel Antunes shares some useful tips around getting comprehensive monitoring for Apache Kafka.

OpenTelemetry guide

Dotan Horovits put together a wonderful Beginner’s Guide to OpenTelemetry with all you need to get started and dive deeper. Thanks a lot and KUTGW!

SL(x) 101

Note this upcoming Lightstep webinar: An Introduction to SLAs, SLOs, and SLIs presented by Forrest Knight.

Prometheus TSDB

Read this excellent article by the talented Ganesh Vernekar, the sixth installment in his Prometheus TSDB series, this time around on Compaction and Retention.

Observability in CI

Via The New Stack: an exciting development Thundra Brings Observability Tracing to Continuous Integration (CI).


Michael Kopp on how Dynatrace extends contextual analytics and AIOps for open observability.

Performance monitoring

Nilesh Jayanandana reviewing and comparing the 10 Best Server Performance Monitoring Tools & Software in 2021.

That was it for this edition of the o11y newsletter. Feel free to share news items with me via Twitter—DMs are open if you like to share something in private. Stay safe and hope to see you around next week!