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Observability Day NA 2023

The recordings of the Observability Day NA 2023 are now available for you to binge-watch and I can tell you that you won't get bored too quickly: overall we're talking 15 sessions here ;)

AWS o11y updates

My colleagues Ashish Bhatia and David Kilze wrote .NET Observability with OpenTelemetry – Part 1: Metrics using Amazon Managed Prometheus and Grafana.

Further, I can recommend Monitoring GPU workloads on Amazon EKS using AWS managed open-source services by my colleagues Riccardo Freschi, Elamaran Shanmugam, and Imaya Kumar Jagannathan.

Observability with ES|QL

Optimizing Observability with ES|QL: Streamlining SRE operations and issue resolution for Kubernetes and OTel by Bahubali Shetti is an interesting article about applying Elastic’s new piped query language ES|QL (Elasticsearch Query Language) in a specific area.

Advanced Grafana use cases

Learn from Slimaine Bensadoun about how to use Grafana for advanced use cases in “Unlocking Dynamic Text Monitoring: Integrating External Application Data into Grafana”.

Some context on OTelBin

Mirko Novakovic of Dash0 shares some context on the online tool/OSS offering they launched last week: OTelBin - Visualizing and improving OpenTelemetry Collector Configurations.

o11y theory: instrumentation

Yours truly's thoughts on instrumentation. Heads-up: I'm working on a hands-on piece that shows instrumentation in practice (using OTel for log collection), so stay tuned!

That was it for this edition of the o11y newsletter. Feel free to share news items with me via Twitter—DMs are open if you like to share something in private. Stay safe and hope to see you around next week!