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OTel operator Q&A

Check out Adriana Villela post via the OpenTelemetry blog: Things You Might Not Have Known About the OpenTelemetry Operator - An OTel Operator Q&A.

CI/CD observability

CI/CD Observability on GitHub Actions and the Role of OpenTelemetry by Luca Cavallin is an excellent high-level overview with pointers to relevant resources/tooling.

OTel at Skyscanner

Learn from the amazing Dan Gomez Blanco all about Implementing OpenTelemetry at Skyscanner. This end-user perspective is something we need much more in OpenTelemetry. Thank you for sharing!

Managed Grafana updates

My colleagues Rodrigue Koffi, Dan Malloy, and Priyanka Verma shared an update: Amazon Managed Grafana announces support for Grafana version 10.4.

Prometheus histograms

The one and only Julius Volz published another great video (22 min): check out Understanding Prometheus Histograms and learn everything about the classic histograms that have been around in Prometheus for more than 10 years.

OpenShift and OTLP

Stumbled upon Red Hat OpenShift as OpenTelemetry (OTLP) native platform, written by Pavol Loffay and Simon Pasquier. They explore how you can use OTLP in OpenShift to ingest in-cluster workload telemetry, and how you can export it from OpenShift, using OTLP.

That was it for this edition of the o11y newsletter. Feel free to share news items with me via Twitter—DMs are open if you like to share something in private. Stay safe and hope to see you around next week!