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New log parser for OTel collector

In the post Introducing the new container log parser for OpenTelemetry Collector via the OpenTelemetry blog, Christos Markou of Elastic provides a detailed walkthrough on the motivation and implementation of a simplified and robust way for parsing container logs with the OpenTelemetry collector.

AI-powered continuous profiling

AI-powered insights for continuous profiling by the one and only Ryan Perry describes a really interesting use case for an LLM to assist with flame graph data interpretation.

Tracing to avoid breaking changes

Check out How to use traces to avoid breaking changes by Nasim Salmany to learn about API observability using distributed traces with Digma. Thanks for sharing!

MyDecisive Engine

I stumbled upon MyDecisive Engine, an open-source project that allows you to manage observability data pipelines and associated vendor platform costs through self-monitoring. It's early days, but looks promising …

Observability stack

Yeah, Reddit has its good and not so good corners, to say it politely. This conversation in r/sre is something I found very informative: read What is your observability stack? and learn what other practioners are using.

That was it for this edition of the o11y newsletter. Feel free to share news items with me via Twitter—DMs are open if you like to share something in private. Stay safe and hope to see you around next week!