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OTel from 0 to 100

Hans Kristian Flaatten in OpenTelemetry from 0 to 100 on how the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) adopted OTel.

Cloudflare adopting OTel

Read Adopting OpenTelemetry for our logging pipeline by Colin Douch and Jayson Cena and learn why and how Cloudflare migrated to OTel.

Messaging queues o11y

In Deep dive into observability of Messaging Queues with OpenTelemetry Pranay Prateek and Shivanshu Raj dive deep into Apache Kafka observability. Thank you for sharing!

Profiles for OTel

Metrics, Traces, Logs — And Now, OpenTelemetry Profile Data via TNS is a great reminder for the exciting developments around continuous profiling middleware standardization.

OTel for Envoy and Istio

Via the official OpenTelemetry blog: check out Observability at the Edge: New OTel features in Envoy and Istio by Joao Grassi.

OTel <-> Prometheus interop

The results (in CSV and PDF) of the OTel <-> Prometheus interoperability survey are now available via open-telemetry/sig-end-user. Kudos go out to everyone who participated, from the organization side as well as ye all out there who took some time out of your busy schedule to provide feedback!

That was it for this edition of the o11y newsletter. Feel free to share news items with me via Twitter—DMs are open if you like to share something in private. Stay safe and hope to see you around next week!