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Sematext key Kubernetes metrics

In Key Kubernetes Metrics and Resources to Monitor for Peak Cluster Performance Adnan Rahic walks us through the important resources in Kubernetes and how to make sense out of them, from a monitoring perspective.

Prometheus conformance

As announced at the beginging of the KubeCon week, the Prometheus community has launched a Prometheus Conformance Program, learn more detail about the Remote Write Compliance Test Results, for example. This is an essential step for interoperability and something the ecosystem very much will benefit from. Thank you!

Dynatrace and OpenTelemetry

Daniela Rabiser gives use details on how Dynatrace added OpenTelemetry trace ingest for open, automatic, and intelligent observability.

Pixie makes BPF usable

An exciting launch: Pixie, an BPF-powered observability platform for Kubernetes. Read the announcement post by Colin Bookman and Mark Carter on Gathering insights on Kubernetes applications, services, and network traffic with Pixie and give it a try to get a feeling for it.

Get started with Tempo

Get started with distributed tracing and Grafana Tempo using foobar, a demo written in Python is a really nice, short, but hands-on post by Daniel González Lopes.

Observability wit SigNoz

#47 DoK Community: "FullStack OpenSource Observability using SigNoz" is a ca. one hour recording up on YouTube, featuring SigNoz co-founder Ankit Nayan.

InfoQ observability expert panel

What a lineup! InfoQ asked o11y experts Bartek Plotka, Liz Fong-Jones, Josh Suereth, and Frederic Branczy to discuss the topic at hand. Read up on what the experts think matters via Cloud Native and Kubernetes Observability: Expert Panel.

Prometheus status

A useful and educational KubeCon session on Prometheus called What it is, what is new, and what’s coming by Julien Pivotto and Richard “RichiH” Hartmann. Great stuff, folks!

kspan turn events into traces

The one and only Bryan Boreham of Weaveworks gave an excellent KubeCon talk with the title "Traces from Events—A New Way to Visualise Kubernetes Activities" and demoed the tool called kspan he developed to realize this. Check out his talk: slide deck and the code on GitHub.

GitLab metrics at scale

Another super interesting talk at KubeCon was Andrew Newdigate's How we are dealing with metrics at scale on where he shared lots of lessons learned on how to scale Prometheus.

That was it for this edition of the o11y newsletter. Feel free to share news items with me via Twitter—DMs are open if you like to share something in private. Stay safe and hope to see you around next week!