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Prometheus operations

In How to drop and delete metrics in Prometheus, Tanmay Bhat shares tips and tooling around metrics hygiene, leading to a more reliable operation of the popular monitoring tool.

OpenTelemetry with AWS

Dmitry Kolomiets wrote up Trace Context Propagation With OpenTelemetry, a hands-on article showing the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) in action, across compute (Lambda) and data (SQS/SNS/Kinesis). Well done!

Observability in enterprises

Who Owns Observability In Enterprises? asks Dotan Horovits and provides answers with Suman Karumuri (Sr. Staff software engineer at Slack). Interesting Open Observability episode.

Cloud observability book

I'm super happy to be able to share with you: the first two chapters of my new Manning book Cloud Observability in Action are now available. Use the discount code mlhausenblas to get 50% off, this week.

OpenTelemetry in Python

Aspecto's Tom Zach on how to Get Started with OpenTelemetry Python: A Practical Guide. Really well written guide, thank you!

Observability in GitOps

Weaveworks providing a high-level overview on Observability for GitOps pipelines.

Building a trace receiver

If you're into OpenTelemetry and wondering how to extend and adapt the collector for your own needs, you should definitely check out Building a trace receiver, a well written hands-on tutorial on the topic.

The value of tracing

A simple way to get more value from tracing by Dan Luu via Julia Bellmer is a great read on good practices and lessons learned on the value of distributed tracing.

That was it for this edition of the o11y newsletter. Feel free to share news items with me via Twitter—DMs are open if you like to share something in private. Stay safe and hope to see you around next week!