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OTel updates

First off: we now have a dedicated OpenTelemetry community at CNCF, you can learn about upcoming events, there. Further, the results of the recent OTel survey are available now, read Insights from the OpenTelemetry Getting Started Survey by Ana Margarita Medina via the official OTel blog.

New podcast

Code RED is a new podcast for developers, SREs, and CTOs excited about the future of software management and observability. Congrats on the launch!

SLOs to improve apps reliability

Together with my colleagues Arun Chandapillai and Andreas Bloomquist, yours truly wrote about how to Improve application reliability with effective SLOs.

Microservices o11y

Andrew Mallaband shared Beyond the Blast Radius: Demystifying and Mitigating Cascading Microservice Issues with some interesting RCA insights.

Business-aligned o11y

How Business-Aligned Observability Can Propel Your Competitive Edge by Allan Mann is a valuable take on o11y, from a stakeholders perspective.

gRPC trace context propagation

In OpenTelemetry Trace Context Propagation for gRPC Streams Daniel Dias provides us with a hands-on walkthrough on how to implement trace context propagation for gRPC streams, using OpenTelemetry. Thanks!

That was it for this edition of the o11y newsletter. Feel free to share news items with me via Twitter—DMs are open if you like to share something in private. Stay safe and hope to see you around next week!