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Prometheus compatibility

Via the OpenTelemetry blog: Insights from the Prometheus Compatibility Survey by David Ashpole, provides details on the results. Thanks for your feedback!

Tail-Based sampling

In Empower Your Observability: Tail-Based Sampling for Better Tracing with OpenTelemetry Amr Farid provides some context and shares hands-on guidance.

AI o11y bot

CloudRaft launched Olly, an AI-powered observability assistant trained on Kubernetes, Prometheus, OpenTelemetry, Grafana, Thanos and more.

Python data pipelines

Interesting contribution from Elastic's Tamara Dancheva and Almudena Sanz Olivé: read the hands-on deep dive Monitor your Python data pipelines with OTel to learn more.

OTel logs deep dive

Manas Sharma published OpenTelemetry Logs: Deep Dive, explaining options and showing an end-to-end example in Python. Nice!

That was it for this edition of the o11y newsletter. Feel free to share news items with me via Twitter—DMs are open if you like to share something in private. Stay safe and hope to see you around next week!