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OTel Go instrumentation

Via the official OTel blog: Alibaba, Datadog, and Quesma Join Forces on Go Compile-Time Instrumentations. Exciting!

Monitoring Apache Kafka

Kafka End-to-End Monitoring by SPOUD. Great insights and lessons learned.

Spring Boot app instrumentation

In Instrumenting Spring applications with OpenTelemetry and Cloud Native Buildpacks the magnificent Michele Mancioppi shares hands-on advice. Thanks for sharing!

OTel panel

Another excellent practitioners panel you should add to your calendar: In love with OTel and observability, happening on Tue 2/11 at 10am PST.

OTel collector deep dive

OpenTelemetry Collector persistence and retry mechanisms under the hood by Bence Csáti is an awesome hands-on deep dive.

Windows monitoring with OTel

In Monitoring Windows Servers With the OpenTelemetry Collector the one and only Martin Thwaites explains all the details.

eBPF-based network o11y

eBPF-Based Network Observability: Exploring Cilium Hubble and Alternatives by Anish Bista is a deep dive, hands-on guide on the topic.

That was it for this edition of the o11y newsletter. Feel free to share news items with me via Bluesky DM. Stay safe and hope to see you around next week!